1. General Provisions
1. The Non-profit establishment "Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” (hereinafter - the Agency) is a organization with the status of legal entity, created in the organizational and legal form of the non-governmental non-profit institution to improve the competitiveness of educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the national and international levels through procedures of institutional, specialized accreditation and conducting research on ratings.
2. The Agency is a non-governmental and non-profit establishment, not having profit extraction as the main purpose of its activity.
Agency is an independent body and has autonomous responsibility for its operations and the conclusions and recommendations made in its reports cannot be influenced by third parties (such as education institutions, ministries and other stakeholders).
3. Full name of the Agency in Russian некоммерческое учреждение «Независимое Агентство аккредитации и рейтинга», abbreviated «НААР».
4. In its activities, the Agency is governed by the Civil Code of RK, Law of RK “On Nonprofit Organizations”, other applicable law of Kazakhstan, as well as this Charter.
5. Location of the Agency – 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly avenue 2, VP-4G.
6. The Agency is a legal entity, entitled to sign on its behalf the contracts, to acquire property and personal non-property rights and to perform obligations, to act as plaintiff and defendant in the court, has solitary property, independent balance, a seal, independent balance, and accounts in the banks, the letterhead stationery. The Agency is responsible for its obligations on financial resources and properties at its disposal. If these funds of the Agency are insufficient, responsibility for its obligations rests on the founder in the procedure established by law.
7. The Agency may establish branches and representative offices in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The object and purposes of the Agency
9. The purpose of the Agency is the organizational and technical provisions of performing the procedures of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations, the development of standards and criteria of accreditation, conducting a research on the ranking of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, organizations of technical and vocational education (TVE) of Kazakhstan according to the direction of preparation of educational programs.
10. To achieve the purpose set, the following activities are performed:
1) arrangement and carrying out institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations - higher education institutions, research organizations, implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, further education institutions for adults, educational institutions, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, international schools;
2) the development of standards and criteria of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations;
3) conducting a follow-up procedures after carrying out institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organisations;
4) provision of consulting services to education organizations on issues of quality assurance, institutional and specialized accreditation, audit and evaluation of educational services, research on ratings and other tools of quality assurance education;
5) participation in the elaboration of regulations and regulatory documents on education;
6) arrangement and conduct of meetings of the Accreditation Council, international conferences, symposiums, training workshops for academic experts, employers and students;
7) participation in international projects for conducting the institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations;
8) conducting researches on the quality assurance of education, including participation in joint international scientific projects;
9) involvement in the international networks of quality assurance: the International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (INQAAHE), Eurasian network of quality education guarantee, the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), the European Association for Higher Education Quality Assurance (ENQA), Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (AQAAIW), the Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA), the International Ranking Expert Group (IREG), and others;
10) edition and publication of scientific, educational and specialized publications on the Agency activities;
11) arranging and conducting advanced trainings in the field of quality assurance;
12) elaboration of methodologies on rankings of educational organizations and study programs;
13) organization and conducting the research on the ratings of educational programs of educational organizations according to the levels and areas of training.