A Memorandum of cooperation between Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating and Almaty College Association

College Association unites more than 80 state and private colleges of Almaty. The Association’s activity contributes to the development and support of the Organizations of Technical and Vocational Education through the work with standard and educational programs setting, studying experience of teaching staff on introducing innovative technologies of training and education.

 A Memorandum of cooperation was signed 

A Memorandum of cooperation between Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating and one of the large consultation centre Educational Center «Bilim — Central Asia»

Mission of the Educational Center «Bilim — Central Asia» is  driving and supporting reforms conducive to integration of the Central Asia to international educational space in the context of globalization.

A Memorandum of cooperation was signed

Republican Public Association " National Medical Association " is a voluntary , self-governing , professional and public non-profit organization that brings together health care providers and professionals working in the health care system for individual applications .




Signed a memorandum





Republican scientific - methodical center of development of technical and vocational education and assignment of qualification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( RNMTS ) created purposes:

* The creation of an effective system of independent evaluation of professional training;

* The integration of Kazakhstan education in the international educational space;

* Improving the quality of preparedness in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.



Signed a memorandum

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National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" - a non-profit organization . NCE is designed to strengthen the bargaining power of business with the Government and public authorities . The Chamber represents the interests of small businesses , medium and large businesses and it encompasses all business sectors , including domestic and foreign trade .

The agreement of cooperation between the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Independent agency for accreditation and rating




Signed a memorandum

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The agreement of cooperation between the International Academy of Informatization and Independent agency for accreditation and rating





Signed a memorandum

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An agreement of cooperation and interaction between the National Center of Scientific - Technical Information and Independent agency for accreditation and rating





Signed a memorandum

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Signed a memorandum of cooperation between Builders Association of Kazakhstan and Independent agency for accreditation and rating


Signed a memorandum

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An agreement on cooperation and interaction between National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Independent agency for accreditation and rating





Signed a memorandum

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An agreement of cooperation and interaction between Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Independent agency for accreditation and rating





Signed a memorandum

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The agreement of cooperation between the Scientific Research Institute of Transport and Communications and Independent agency for accreditation and rating




Signed a memorandum

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The agreement of cooperation between Academy of Mineral Resources and Independent agency for accreditation and rating


Signed a memorandum


Signed a memorandum of cooperation between the Association Kazakh Mathematical Society and Independent agency for accreditation and rating

Signed a memorandum