Kazak Universities to Foster Quality Assurance Processes in Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL) |
At the beginning of 2018, the IAAR re-entered the consortium as a partner, which participates in the Erasmus+ projects competition "Kazakhstan Universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced Learning, KUTEL’’. The coordinator of the project is the University of Research Guglielmo Marconi-Telematika, Italy (Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, USGM (Italy). The goal of the project is to promote the reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan through the introduction of a national quality assurance system for learning using advanced technologies. Outcomes of participation: the project is being implemented |
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Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Higher Education in Kazakhstan and Ukraine (IQAKAUA) |
In early 2018, the IAAR joined the consortium as a partner in the Erasmus+ projects competition "Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Higher Education in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, IQAKAUA". The coordinator of the project is Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa w Tarnowie, PWSZTAR (Poland). The specific objectives are:
Outcomes of participation: under consideration |
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Boosting high quality standards in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Central Asia universities (BISTRA) |
At the beginning of 2018, the IAAR joined the consortium as a partner, which participates in the Erasmus+ projects competition "Boosting high quality standards in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Central Asia universities, BISTRA". The project coordinator is Burgas Free University (Burgas, Bulgaria). The wider objective of the project is to promote reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan and in Uzbekistan through the introduction of a quality assurance system for technology-enhanced learning, HEI management and governance.
Outcomes of participation: the project did not get through |
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Reconstruction of International Departments through Academic Training and Evaluation (RATE) |
In early 2018, the IAAR joined the consortium as a partner in the Erasmus+ project competition "Reconstruction of International Departments through Academic Training and Evaluation (RATE)". The coordinator of the project is the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty (Kazakhstan). The overall goal of the project is the recognition of partner universities in academic world. Specific Project Objectives: Improved of International Offices in Partner Universities Increased Rating of Partner Universities)
Outcomes of participation: under consideration |
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Project "Development of labor skills and promotion of jobs" |
The IAAR jointly with GDSI Limited participates in the project "Reviewing best practices to develop a systematic approach to align the National Qualifications Framework with Professional and Higher Education Programs" (KZSJ-1.2/CS-01-CQS). IAAR representatives as experts develop mechanisms for accreditation systems and agencies, operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure sustainability in implementation of the competence approach in the system of TVE and HE. This project is carried out within the framework of the project "Development of labor skills and promotion of jobs", implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the technical and financial support from the World Bank. The goal of the project is to improve the results in employment and labor skills of target beneficiaries and increase the relevance of training programs and learning in institutions of technical and vocational education and higher education institutions. The project is implemented within the framework of the World Bank's Strategic Cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aiming to support economic diversification, skills development and jobs related reforms. www.worldbank.org/projects/P150183?lang=en Outcomes of participation: the project is being implemented |
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Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via Cooperation of University- Business- Government in HEIs (EDUQAS) |
In 2017, the IAAR joined the consortium as a partner, which participates in the Erasmus+ projects competition "Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via Cooperation of University- Business- Government in HEIs". The coordinator of the project is the University of Craiova, Romania (UNIVERSITATEA DIN CRAIOVA (Romania). The aim of the project is to improve the quality assurance systems of education by developing effective internal quality standards leading to better job placement opportunities for students in partner countries’ universities. The internal quality control system will be based on an analysis of the needs and opportunities of Kazakhstan and Ukrainian universities, experiences and best practices of the quality system in the Bologna process. Project activities:
Expected results:
Outcomes of participation: the project is being implemented Official site of the project: http://web.elth.ucv.ro/eduqas/ |
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Network for QA in Professional Higher Education (QAPHENET) |
In the beginning of 2017 IAAR entered into consortium as a partner that participate in the project competition of program Erasmus+ «Network for QA in Professional Higher Education, QAPHENET». Coordinator of the project is the Universidad de Murcia, UMU (Spain). The aim of the QAPHENET project is the creation of a network for development and implementation of instruments on quality assurance of higher education that will give the widen choice of learning pathway for students, at the same time create additional employment and fill gaps between the professional HEIs and industry. Results of the participation: did not get through. |
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Kazak Universities to Foster Quality Assurance Processes in Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL) |
In the end of December, 2016 IAAR entered into consortium as a partner that participate in the project competition of program Erasmus+ «Kazak Universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced Learning, KUTEL». Coordinator of the project is the Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, USGM (Italy). Project proposal is the assistance to the reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan through implementation of national quality assurance system for technology enhanced learning. Results of the participation: did not get through. |
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Integrate (high quality) Practical Experience in Higher Education (IPEE) |
In 2016 IAAR participated in the project competition of program Erasmus+ «Integrate (high quality) Practical Experience in Higher Education, IPEE» as a partner. Coordinator of the project was the Tampere University of Technology, TUT (Finland). The membership of the consortium had also included the Accreditation Agency Specialised in Accrediting Degree Programmes in Engineering (ASIIN e.V, Germany), the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE, Georgia). Project proposal was the development of approach and set of tools to stimulate the continuous, structured cooperation between higher education, science and business for increasing the employment opportunities of graduates. Mission of theproject was to improve the sustainable development of partner countries in the field of higher education, cooperation and mutual exchange of experience among stakeholdersfrom the higher education institutions, employers and representatives of profession from partner countries in Eastern Europe (Georgia), Central Asia (Kazakhstan) and EU (Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands), and also with the external organizations on quality assurance of higher education to establish the quality standarts. Results of the participation: project did not pass |
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U.S. Embassy Program Small Grants |
On Mart 24, 2016 IAAR applied for U.S. Embassy Program Small Grants with the project «Reduction of social inequalities and recognition in Kazakhstan of the learning outcomes in international schools». Project proposal is the reduction of social inequalities through assistance to the recognition of the learning outcomes in international schools active in Kazakhstan. Expected results: international schools will be assisted to achieve social equity of the students; there will be established the dialogue platform to inform the general public about the activity of international schools; there will be assisted changes in regulatory legal acts on activity of international schools and recognition in Kazakhstan its learning outcomes; involvement of stakeholdersto assess and improve the accreditation standarts. Results of the participation: project did not pass |