Andalusian Agency of Knowledge, Department of Evaluation and Accreditation (AAC-DEVA, Spain)

The Department of Evaluation and Accreditation (DEVA) is an independent unit of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge (AAC). It came into legal existence by Legislative Decree 92/2011, April 19th, wherein the Statutes of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge were approved, in compliance with the provisions laid out in the Andalusian Law 16/2007 of Science and Knowledge.

The aim of AAC-DEVA is the assessment, accreditation and certification of quality within the terms of reference of the Universities and higher education institutions in Andalusia. It covers the fields of institutional quality assessment, teaching staff accreditation and research evaluation.


Provide service to the Andalusian Higher Education and Research System (SAUI) concerning all the actions requested regarding evaluation and accreditation of Higher Education and Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities, adapting the actions to the social demands and quality standards established for University Education and Research within the framework of the European Higher Education Area.


It aims to become an institution of both national and international reference for the evaluation, certification and accreditation activities, relating to University quality assessment.


All DEVA´s actions are based on the principles of transparency, objectivity, independence, equality and equity, confidentiality, public service and social commitment, legality, coordination and cooperation, efficiency, environmental commitment, security and labour health.

(For further information:

Memorandum with AAC-DEVA


Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance (HEA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka)

Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance has been established by Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH (Official Gazette of BH No. 59/07), as independent public organization. Council of Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Decision on Beginning the Work and the Seat of the Agency (which was published in Official Gazette of BH No. 10/08), on the 33rd session on January the 10th 2008. The Seat of the Agency is in Banjaluka.

Independent work of the Agency, within its jurisdiction, related to external quality assurance, shall be achieved by legal, transparent and public selection procedures of domestic and international experts which provides assessment and quality review and give recommendation on accreditation of higher education institutions.

Openess of the Agency’s work shall be achieved in accordance with the Law on free access to information in BH, by submitting work reports to the Parliamentary Assembly and Council of Ministers of BH, and by public medium.

The Agency shall, in performing its tasks, respect following principles:

  • legality,
  • transparency
  • publicity
  • efficiency and effectiveness,
  • professional impartiality

The Agency shall be financed from the budget of BH institutions, and in the part of jurisdiction related to external assurance, from its own income.

Within its activities, the Agency shall cooperate with relevant domestic institutions - educational authorities in BH, entities, cantons and Brčko District, academic community, international community and relevant stakeholders.

Mission Statement


Higher education is compatible with European standards and recognisable in international context, and HEA is recognised in the European Higher Education Area.


Continuous development and enhancement of quality and set quality standards in higher education in BiH, in line with the best European and international practices.


  • Integrity

In our work we are objective and reliable, we respect each other and we always aspire to do better.

  • Professionalism

We apply professional standards in all our processes, both internal and external.

  • Accountability

We are accountable to society as a whole to carry out activities that fall within our competence.

  • Openness

We are open and accessible to the public, which we always keep informed about our work, thus setting two-way communication and building a relationship of trust with all stakeholders.


(For further information:

Memorandum with HEA

Foundation “Academic Information Centre”(AIC, Latvia, Riga)

Latvian Academic Information centreis a non-profit institution founded by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science and by the Institute of Informatics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia.

AIC fulfills two major national and international functions:

  • AIC is the Latvian member to the European networks of information centres for academic recognition centres - the ENIC network of the Council of Europe ( and UNESCO ( and the NARIC network of the European Union
  • AIC serves as the Latvian National Observatory in the network of National Observatories of the European Training Foundation ( National Observatories are aiming at studies of national Vocational and training systems and labour market in order to provide information to both EU institutions and national education policy makers.


According to the amendments of the Law on Higher Education Institutions (LatvijasVestnesis 257 (5137)) and the fact that regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 407, 408 and 409 (14.07.2015) have entered into force, the Academic Information Centre (AIC) establishes the Quality Agency for Higher Education (QAHE). 


QAHE operation is based on the following values:

  • Objectivity;
  • Transparency;
  • Nuetrality;



To promote the quality of higher education thus increase the international competitiveness of the Latvian higher education. 



To ensure the implementation of external quality assurance system in the Latvian higher education according to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area as well as to promote improvements in the internal quality assurance systems in the HEI, study directions and study programmes thus promoting the acknowledgement and recognition of Latvian higher education.

(For further information:

Memorandum with AIC

ФГБУ "Главэкспертцентр"

«Главэкспертцентр» является национальным информационным центром Российской Федерации по информационному обеспечению признания образования и (или) квалификации, ученых степеней и ученых званий, полученных в иностранном государстве, в сети ENIC/NARIC. ФГБУ "Главэкспертцентр" обеспечивает полномочия Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки по признанию в Российской Федерации образования и (или) квалификации, ученых степеней и ученых званий, полученных в иностранном государстве.

(Для более подробной информации:

Меморандум с Главэкспертцентр


Russian Register

The Certification Association "Russian Register" is the largest internationally recognized Russian certification and expert organization. The independence and objectivity of Russian Register, as well as the competence of their staff is confirmed by numerous national and foreign accreditations and positive experience of more than 15 years of activity.

Russian Register enables clients to receive a comprehensive service for certification, examination and assessment of compliance of various aspects related to management, products and personnel. To carry out certification and expert activities on the basis of Russian Register, there is a body for certification of management systems, a body for certification of products, a body for certification of personnel, an agency for assessing the quality of education.


Russian Register provides its partners with a wide range of certification and expert services, favorable contractual terms and an internationally recognized service.

The work and qualifications of the specialists of Russian Register should not only allow us to assess the strengths and weaknesses of clients' activities in general, but also contribute to their success in the markets of Russia and other countries. In this regard Russian Register, in accordance with national and international requirements, acts as the Authority for the certification of management systems, personnel and products, the Inspection Authority and the Agency for the assessment of the quality of vocational education.

(For more information follow the link:

Memorandum with Russian Register 

Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK)

Established in 2005, AKKORK is the first Russian independent evaluation and accreditation agency in the sphere of higher education. Since that time the Agency has been realizing the task of forming independent quality evaluation system in the Russian higher education area. For this period the Agency has obtained certain recognition in education community, conducted periodic evaluation procedures which helped Universities to become more competitive.Constant monitoring of all the higher education institution dynamic characteristics has let identify and improve the positive changes, address areas for quality enhancement in the higher education institution’s development. The outcomes of the Agency’s activities are the confidence of different group of stakeholders in efficient and competitive Russian higher education institutions.
The mission of AKKORK is to form and develop in Russia an independent system of education quality assessment and assurance that corresponds to the principles of the Bologna declaration and the world best practices.
(For further information:



The Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies, University of Ljubljana (ISIT)

ISIT started to operate at the end of 2008 as a non-profit organization as a legal form of an European Economic Interest Grouping – EEIG. This is a new form of enterprise grouping aiming at integrating knowledge and skills, equipment and human potential from the economic and research spheres and oriented towards the creation of new ‘spin-off’ companies whose technologies are based on newest superior basic knowledge.
Main purpose is to promote and manage the transfer of superior technologies into the industrial environment aiming at enhancing competitive capacities and strategic opportunities for enterprises in all economic sectors, and consequently contribute to the progress and prosperity of the society.
(For further information:



The Accreditation, Certification and Quality assurance Institute (ACQUIN)

In May 2000, the Bavarian Rectors’ Conference passed a resolution to establish an accreditation agency, which performs accreditation for all types of higher education institutions taking into account all types of programmes and disciplines. The Accreditation, Certification and Quality assurance Institute ACQUIN was founded on January 26, 2001 and accredited by the German Accreditation Council on March 22, 2001 for the first time.
The objective of (ACQUIN) is to contribute to the shaping of the European Higher Education Area and to ensure the comparability of the quality of university degrees. The core task of ACQUIN is to promote the quality of higher education programmes and to support the establishment of a culture of quality at higher education institutions. ACQUIN carries out accreditations of Bachelor and Master programmes of all disciplines on a national level and across all types of higher education institutions in order to ensure the high quality of study programmes, create market transparency, enhance the attractiveness of higher education to students and promote comparability of academic qualifications. In this sense, the accreditation of entire universities, their quality management systems in teaching and learning, as well as other performance areas contribute to the further promotion of the academic quality and to the support of the higher education development. ACQUIN sees itself as a partner of higher education institutions abroad that want to offer Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes at European level.

(For further information:



National Accreditation Agency (NAA)

FSBI “NAA” carries out its functions in accordance with the state task of the Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science within the scope of the delegated powers for state accreditation of educational organizations in order to ensure the objectivity and detachment of the decisions made. The activity of FSBI “NAA” is aimed at meeting the needs of all stakeholders – parties engaged in relations in the sphere of education both as individual consumers of educational services, and as educational organizations, governmental authorities, society and the state as a whole.
The activity of the federal state budgetary institution "NAA" is based on the management system that meets the requirements of international standards for management and quality assurance of education, and is aimed at ensuring the external quality assurance of education and promoting the recognition of student learning outcomes in Russian educational organizations at national and international levels.
(For further information:



 Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation

When the Accreditation System was established in Germany, FIBAA was founded in 1994 and hence became one of the first agencies to be accredited by the German Accreditation Council. Since 2002, it has been entitled to award the Seal of the Accreditation Council for degree programmes in Germany.

The purpose of FIBAA is to promote the quality and transparency in education and science by awarding quality certificates to educational programs and education institutions in the areas of higher education and continued professional development.

(For further information:

 Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V.

ASIIN e. V. is a registered association in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The association is supported by many organisations, which view the quality of university education as a central concern. They are associations of universities and universities of applied sciences, expert societies, profession-related organisations, industrial and business associations and unions.

This alliance was first founded in 1999 as the non-profit association ASII for the accreditation of degree programmes in engineering an informatics, which rapidly expanded to ASIIN in 2002 by including the fields of natural sciences and mathematics.

Since 2000, ASII or ASIIN has the right to award the accreditation seal of the German Accreditation Council, in addition to the ASIIN quality seal.

(For further information:

Memorandum with ASIIN


National Centre for Public Accreditation

NCPA is an autonomous nonprofit organization. It was established in 2009 on the initiative of the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education and other legal entities to organize and carry out accreditation of higher education institutions.

NCPA’s mission in the Russian system of quality assurance is to form and promote quality culture in higher education through identification, evaluation, and accreditation of the best educational programs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-ENQA).

(For further information:

Memorandum with NCPA

The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a leading specialized accreditation association for business education supporting, celebrating, and rewarding teaching excellence. The association embraces the virtues of teaching excellence and emphasizes to students that it is essential to learn how to learn.

ACBSP accredits business, accounting, and business-related programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master, and doctorate degree levels worldwide. Recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in 2001 and again in 2011, ACBSP was the first to offer specialized business accreditation at all degree levels.
ACBSP promotes continuous improvement and recognizes excellence in the accreditation of business education programs around the world.
ACBSP acknowledges the importance of scholarly research and inquiry and believes that such activities facilitate improved teaching. Institutions are strongly encouraged to pursue a reasonable mutually beneficial balance between teaching and research. And further, ACBSP encourages faculty involvement within the contemporary business world to enhance the quality of classroom instruction and to contribute to student learning.
Every quality business program worldwide is accredited.
At the heart of ACBSP is the vision to accredit every quality business program worldwide. That vision attracts and unites an extraordinary group of people dedicated to improving the quality of business schools and programs around the world and ultimately improving the practice of business in every industry and country around the world.
ACBSP offers programs, services, and an accreditation process uniquely focused on teaching excellence and student outcomes. And because they believe their success is driven by the success of their members, they align those programs and the accreditation process to meet the individual needs of each member.

(For further information:

Memorandum with ASBCP