
  • Tomsk Medical Institute. Specialty: Pediatrics (1982)
  • Clinical internship in pediatrics (1982-1983)
  • Clinical residency in Pediatrics and Endocrinology, Tomsk Medical Institute (1988-1991)
  • Postgraduate Studies at the Tomsk Medical Institute (1991-1994)
  • MBA, International Academy of Business (2013-2015)
  • Advanced training at universities and clinics in Israel, the USA, Germany, Japan, Austria, Lithuania and Russia (1996 - 2014)


Professional experience:

  • Vice President of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical Center of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city (2017 - present)
  • Deputy Chief Physician of the treatment and prevention of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical Center of Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city (2008-2017)
  • Endocrinologist, Head of Therapeutic and Somatic Departments of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical Center of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1994-2008)
  • Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of “Health Policies and Organizations” of the Higher School of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Doctor-endocrinologist of the Republican Diagnostic Center of Almaty city (1993-1994)
  • Neonatologist of the city maternity hospital, endocrinologist of the regional children's hospital in Tomsk city (1983-1993)


Achievements and publications:

  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • Therapist, endocrinologist, organizer of the highest category of healthcare
  • Participation in the international annual Congresses EASD, ATTD (2006-2017)
  • The dissertation of the candidate of Medical Sciences. Tomsk city (1994)
  • Author of 135 works, including 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 7 methodical manuals and recommendations
  • 4 candidates of Medical Sciences were taught and supervised