
  • Almaty College of Transport and Communications - Electromechanical Technician (1998-2000)
  • Kazakh University of Communications, mechanical engineer (2004-2007)
  • Kazakh University of Communications, Master of Economics (2007-2009)    

Professional experience:

  • Deputy Director of educational work of the Almaty State Polytechnic College (2011 - present), leading specialist in the Department of Control in the field of education of Almaty Committee of the control of education and science MES RK (part-time)
  • Deputy Director of educational work, head of the practice of the Central Asian Technical and Economic College (2007 - 2011)
  • Head of industrial practice, master of industrial training of Almaty Polytechnic College (2000 - 2007)

Achievements and publications:

  • Chairman of the primary party organization "Polytech" at Auezov district branch of "NurOtan" party in Almaty city
  • Author of model curricula on professional practice in the specialty 1304000 “Computing equipment and software”, in the subjects “Electroradiomontage” and “Electro-radio measurement” in the specialty 1306000 “Radio electronics and communication”
  • Author of the educational-methodical manual "Practical work on the modeling of production and economic systems"


  • Honorary worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016