Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating interacts with many international educational organizations, participates systematically in the discussion of relevant issues focused on improving the national educational system as part of its activities.
From its earliest years, the IAAR has been successfully expanding partnerships at the national and international levels. IAAR is the one of key accreditation institutions in our country. It makes a contribution to develop a culture of quality education through harmonious integration of national objects and European requirements systematically presenting them in its Standards.
Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating does not eliminate the issues related to sustainment of continuous support and promotion of culture quality in the education area in order to improve competitiveness and educational attainment of Kazakh society. On October 2, 2017 the IAAR director Zhumagulova A.B., councillor Yanovskaya O.A. took part in the International Congress of Turkic World Mathematical society (TWMS 2017) organized on the basis of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Congress brought together representatives of academia of the Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan и Turkey, created a dialog platform to define further international cooperative action. Management of IAAR demonstrate their will to further interrelation through participation in discussion on main directions of international relations and scientific cooperation between scientists of Turkic world in the field of mathematical education and science as a whole.