Inclusion into the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), organization with a special status as the main instrument of the Bologna process on assurance and enhancement of the quality of higher education, provides for the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (Further − IAAR) the opportunity to participate in developing national quality assurancesystem of education.
On October 12-13 of the current year IAAR participated in the ENQA seminar hosted by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) in The Hague.
In the seminar participatedmore than 30 representatives of the Europeanquality assuranceagencieswhich were recently reviewed by the ENQA expert group for compliance with the ESG 2015 standards.
The key subjects of discussion were the following ESG standards:
1.3 Student-centred learning, teaching and assessment.
2.1 Use of procedures for internal quality assurance.
3.4 Thematic analysis.
During the seminarthe Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating had shared its experience on passing the ENQA audit.
More detailed information could be find on the official site of the ENQA…/enqa-agency-reviews-seminar-for-recen…/