On March 12, 2018, the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) jointly with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) conducted the International Workshop on Professional Development of the IAAR Experts.

EQAR has been a key organization since 2005, ensuring the further development of the European Higher Education Area by increasing the transparency of quality assurance and providing information on agencies operating in European countries.

On June 20, 2017, the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), by the decision of the Registration Committee, is included in the list of Quality Assurance Agencies Registered on EQAR.

Entering the EQAR is the highest achievement and recognition for accreditation bodies. Today, the European Quality Assurance Register includes 44 agencies from 22 countries. Kazakhstan became the 23rd country from 48 countries participating in the Bologna process.

Obtaining the status a recognized agency by IAAR is a confirmation of its compliance with high international standards and evidence of trust.

The International Workshop of IAAR and EQAR was organized and held at a high level on the basis of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography in Astana.

The main speakers at the Workshop were the President of EQAR Karl Dittrich, the Director of Higher Education at the Dutch Inspectorate of Education Hendrik Michael (Erik) Martijnse, the Director of the IAAR Zhumagulova Alina and the Chairman of the Expert Council of the IAAR Skiba Marina, etc.

Over 150 specialists took part in the Workshop, among them the rectors, vice-rectors of universities, members of the expert community, scientists, professors, teachers dealing with the quality of education. The main goal of the international Workshop was the formation of a professional community on external evaluation of HEIs in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the improvement of the qualifications of IAAR experts to explain the latest trends in the Bologna process.

The following issues were thoroughly considered at the Workshop:

 Significance and progress of the Bologna process

 The role of EQAR in quality assurance of education

 Politics and universities: problems and ways of quality assurance

 Approaches to the formation of the external quality assurance report

 Assessment of education and quality of reports

 Role of experts in conducting accreditation

This international Workshop showed the expert community how to assess the educational programs at a higher level and apply their professional skills in the process of independent international accreditation.

At the end of the international Workshop, experts were awarded certificates of professional development.