On April 26, 2018 representatives of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating took part in the I Republican Meeting of Young Scientists and Teachers of Kazakhstan hosted by Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University. The Meeting was opened with welcome addresses by Vice-Minister of Education and Science Asylova B.T., Rector of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University Aldambergenova G.T. An official press conference with the participation of the media and first constituent meeting of the Association of Young Scientists and Educators of Kazakhstan with the participation of rectors of the republican universities, the Fund of the First President -Leader of the Nation, the National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin took place. Within the framework of the events, the IAAR journal “Education. Quality Assurance” was presented, as well as the Panorama of scientific research and master classes of young educators, a discussion area was organized where the issues of the modern model of the young scientist-educator and the development of education in the network: pushing the boundaries of the possible were discussed.