On May 18, 2018, an international Forum "Accreditation - a new vector of quality assurance of educational organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic" was held by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in Bishkek. It was devoted to topical issues of improving the quality and competitiveness of higher education in Kyrgyzstan taking into account world standards.
The Forum was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Kozhobekov K.G., deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Accreditation Council of the IAAR Bozymov K.K., rector of Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, chairman of the Southern region Sarybekov M.N., expert of the I category of the IAAR, first vice-rector of the Aktobe Regional State University Shunkeev K.Sh., corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Mambetakunov E.M., expert representative of the IAAR in the Kyrgyz Republic, director of the Institute of natural and technological sciences of the Batkent State University Tayirov M.M., heads of higher educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, experts of the IAAR and representatives of the academic community. More than 150 people took part in the forum.
The main goal of the international Forum is the creation of an effective and productive communication platform on the issues of quality assurance of education, the procedure of international accreditation of the IAAR, the exchange of experience and ideas on the modernization and development of higher education system in the Kyrgyz Republic.
At the Plenary session topical issues of quality assurance of education in accordance with international standards aimed at studying best practices in the field of international accreditation and the development of a quality culture of education were discussed, and modern approaches to openness and transparency of higher education that promote knowledge sharing were considered.
Within the framework of the Forum, solemn presentation of certificates on the results of the first ranking of the IAAR to the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic was held. At the end of the Forum, the participants were awarded certificates.
The participants of the Forum noted the high level of the event, which allowed to expand the international framework and deepen the understanding and importance of addressing the issues of quality assurance of educational services.