The annual Nation Address of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev is not only the most important political document, but always a very important event in the life of every collective of our country. Today, on October 5, 2018, the entire team of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating listened with great interest on the air the Address of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev "Growing welfare of Kazakh citizens: increase in income and quality of life".
Having voiced the main challenges and achievements of Kazakhstan, the President stressed that "the development of the state’s main asset – an individual – is the response to challenges and the guarantee of its success." This key message of the Head of State, reflecting the social orientation of the entire Address, defines the most important strategic objectives and a key priority in the activities of all government bodies and companies - the growing welfare of Kazakh citizens.
The issues of quality and access to education, healthcare, housing, comfortable and safe life are the main components of the well-being of every Kazakh citizens. The implementation of the task set by President N.Nazarbayev to increase expenditures on education, science and healthcare from all sources up to 10% from the GDP within 5 years will ensure a significant improvement of quality of services for the population, which means an improvement of the quality of life for each of us.
In the course of the discussion of the main provisions of the Head of State’s Address, our team’s special support was given clear objectives for improving the quality of education at all levels, from pre-school to higher education, designated by President N.A. Nazarbayev. Among them - the adoption of the Law “On the Status of Teachers”, reducing the workload of teachers, solving problems of accessibility of education, widespread introduction of the system and teaching methods of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, development of professional diagnostics and orientation of children to the most popular specialties.
In the field of higher education, the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev pointed out the need to increase the responsibility of universities for the quality of education, establish partnerships with the world’s leading universities, more widely attract the best foreign senior managers to implement best practices, create among universities a real competitive environment in which ”only those providing high quality education should remain in the market". The main criterion of a successful university is “the employment of graduates and high-paid jobs”. All these necessary directions, designated by the President of the country N.А. Nazarbayev, perceived by the staff of the Agency as a program of specific practical matters. The Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating sees its appointment in the continuous improvement of quality assurance system of education in accordance with the tasks set in the Address of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev.