On January 25, 2019 Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating held a training seminar on the ranking of educational programs for specialists in Bishkek. Seminar was hosted by the M.Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, higher educational institutions in the person of vice-rectors, heads of departments and other persons responsible for participation in rating studies participated in the seminar.
The training seminar was organized to review the results of the rating study “Ranking of demand for HEIs of the Kyrgyz Republic 2018” relevance and discuss the updated parameters of digital technology of ranking programs in areas and levels of training.
During the seminar, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic K.G. Kozhobekov reviewed the ranking methodology, the problems of correct electronic filling of the program and agreed on the timing for the implementation of the rating study “Ranking of demand for HEIs of the Kyrgyz Republic - 2019”.