IAAR as a recognized member of the International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, systematically participates in traditional events organized by the IREG Observatory.

On May 8 - 10, 2019, representatives of the IAAR participated in the X IREG Conference "Rankings: A Challenge to Higher Education?" and the General Assembly of the IREG Observatory.

Regular interactive platform for discussing new areas for improving rating research in the field of higher education brought together more than 150 representatives of rating agencies, quality assurance institutes and higher education institutions from Kazakhstan, USA, Brazil, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey , India, Qatar, Arab countries, Japan, Republic of Korea, China, and others.

Within the framework of the Conference, six sessions were held, at which various methodologies for ranking universities and the results of monitoring were considered, and the perspectives of rating studies, recognized as multifaceted tools of institutional, state and international levels, were discussed.