On May 16, 2019, the Astana Economic Forum began its work as the largest international platform, which discusses key challenges and problems of the global financial and economic system, the potential and opportunities for a long-term stable development of the world economy and states, the role of Kazakhstan in the international community, and the search for solutions to combat the main economic and social challenges of our time.

The Forum is attended by thousands of delegates from around the world, including top officials, leading politicians, Nobel Prize winners, famous scientists, journalists and representatives of the business elite.

Representatives of the IAAR took an active part in the panel session “Building Innovative Ecosystems for Green Growth: Science, Education and Technologies”, where they discussed issues of training in the conditions of “green” technologies development. Session speakers were State Secretary of the RK Abdykalikova G.N., Chairman of Presidium of the Association of Ecological Organizations of Kazakhstan, public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva A.N., Minister of Education and Science of RK Shamshidinova K.N., Head of International Green Technologies and Investments Center Rapil Zhoshybayev, Honoured Director-General at the International Renewable Energy Agency Adnan Amin, Deputy Director of the Environment Directorate, OECD Anthony Cox and others.