IV Forum for members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held in St Petersburg on April 24-25, 2014. The Forum was jointly organized by our Russian partner, National Centre for Public Accreditation at the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (FINEC). The event was attended by 77 participants who represented 48 accrediting agencies from 32 countries, including Kazakhstan. IAAR was represented by Mr. Timur Kanapyanov, International Project Manager.
According to the Forum’s programme the breakout sessions were held, which were devoted to the revision of ESG-ENQA, the fundamental document on quality assurance in the sphere of higher education, and to the role of the ENQA in promoting and assuring the work quality of accrediting agencies.
Forum - 2014 in two days allowed the participants to consider and discuss a wide range of issues concerning quality assurance in European and international areas, to share practical experience and to identify the prospects for development.