IAAR Director Dr. Alina Zhumagulova upon invitation by the ENQA took part in the panel discussion at the ENQA General Assembly, which were held in Yerevan, Armenia, on 17–18 October 2019.
In this year on the ENQA General Assembly were discussed such important topics as the added value of European cooperation in quality assurance, trends in quality audits and the reflecting on the future of quality assurance.
In her speech, the Director of IAAR highlighted the basic added values of European cooperation in Kazakhstan, which influenced or continues to influence the development of the national quality assurance system as a whole.
Alina Zhumagulova emphasized that the orientation to the ESG was the state policy for the implementation of the second State Education Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 and full membership in ENQA helps to promote ESG principles in Kazakh higher education institutions. Today, Kazakhstan's accredited universities are in line with ESG principles, since IAAR standards are harmonized with ESG standards.
Afternoon program included discussions on current and future issues: a report on the work results, election of new members of the ENQA Board and Vice Presidents, discussion of the organization’s development plans, holding of the ENQA Forum and General Assembly in 2020, and other organizational issues of the Association.
Details of the X General Assembly are available on the ENQA website.