In August 30, 2014 in Almaty City Independent Agency for accreditation and rating (hereinafter - IAAR) jointly with the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (hereinafter - FIBAA) held a training-seminar on the certification of external experts of FIBAA and IAAR at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan.
FIBAA is an international organization for quality assurance in the field of economics, law, social sciences and business education. As is known, in October 2013 the IAAR and FIBAA signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of quality assurance in higher education.
Speakers of the seminar: Deputy Managing Director FIBAA - Mr. Henning Dettleff; the Chair of Expert Council of IAAR, Head of the Center of Management in Education Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulova - Mrs. Marina A. Skiba; PhD in Economics, Professor, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the Kazakh University of Economy, Finance and International Trade - Mrs. Saule S. Sagintayeva; PhD in Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan Mrs. Ardak N. Sakhanova; Master of Political Science, Manager of International Projects in IAAR - Timur Y. Kanapyanov.
The training attended by more than 30 potential experts from among the representatives of the academic community from all of the regions of Kazakhstan, mainly candidates and doctors of Economic Sciences.
The seminar focused on the issues of external quality control and further development of education in the context of the Bologna Process and ESG, the participants learned more about the steps and criteria for accreditation agency FIBAA, and discussed the specifics of the evaluation of economic education in Kazakhstan. After the seminar, the workshop experts received the IAAR and FIBAA joint Certification.