On May 15, 2015 in Almaty, with the aim to expand the database of experts, IAAR held a one-day seminar-training "Preparation of experts for institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations" at the campus of Suleiman Demireli University. In this seminar-training participated about 70 employees from among the teaching staff of universities based in Almaty. The speakers were experts of IAAR: Seydakhmetova Rimma Ganiyevna, Scientific consultant, Chairman of the Accreditation Council; Skiba Marina Alexandrovna, Head of strategy and quality control at NEU named after T.Ryskulov, Chairman of the Expert Council; Sydykova Aliya Mukhtarovna, Head of information and analytical project. The participants were given certificates. In the future, IAAR plans to hold similar event in Astana