External Expert Commission of the IAAR assesses S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University from 17 to 19 May by the following educational programs: "Medical and preventive care", "Healthcare Educational Organization", "Nursing", "Management", etc. The Commission is chaired by the Candidate of Medicine scienecs of M.Ospanov West Kazakhstan State Medical University (Aktobe) - Yermukhanova L.S. National and international experts were among the EEC experts such as Professor Dr. rer. medic, DTM & H, MPH, Section of International Public Health (S-IPH, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany) - Ulrich Laaser, MD, Dr. rer. medic and dean of the medical-prophylactic faculty of Perm State medical University named after academician Wagner (Perm, Russia) - Kirichenko L.V., and others.