The IAAR director - Alina Zhumagulova has signed a memorandum on cooperation with the Association of scientific and technological Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a part of expansion of partnership. Association of legal entities - "Association of scientific and technological organizations of RK "(ASTO) was founded in 2000. The main goal of Association is to promote the progressive development of the country, the development of science, economy, education. Currently, ASTO brings together 20 companies, operating in various sectors and areas of: -science: chemistry, physics (nuclear physics), mathematics, biology, geology, geography, etc .; -economy: subsoil use, transport, energy, construction, information technology and others. The sides agreed to work together the following things: - Organization and holding of specialized, regional and international congresses, conferences and seminars on issues of accreditation of assessment of scientific organizations; - Clarifying the procedure (the theory, methodology and technology) of accreditation, etc.