Independent agency for accreditation and rating has provided a charity care to the «SOS» Astana Children's Village on the eve of September 1.

This is not a happenstance. Because the main purpose of the Agency is to ensure the quality of education in schools, colleges and universities. Since children of preschool, school and adolescent ages live there, the role in the upbringing and education of future citizens of the state is invaluable. It helps the child to undergo the process of socialization, it generates patriotic feelings, laying skills and prepares it for adult and independent life. That is why the Agency considers it its duty to extend a helping hand to the children's Village.

Thanks to the campaign "Road to school", Agency had an opportunity to help children not only to come to school, but to give a real joy to all the pupils of the Children's Village. Every child and student has been provided with the necessary stationery, which will help to plunge into the exciting world of knowledge and discovery.