The IAAR conducts a seminar training for experts from the faculty on the basis of S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University (Astana) on September 23-24. The purpose of the seminar training is to prepare experts to the external quality evaluation of the activities of universities and educational programs. Lecturer - Skiba Marina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Chairman of the Expert Council of the IAAR. Speakers - Seidakhmetova Rimma, doctor of philological sciences, scientific consultant of the IAAR, Mukhtarova Inara, IAAR project manager of accreditation of universities
As a part of this seminar, there is a discussion about new requirements for quality assurance in accordance with the ESG changes and their reflection in the accreditation standards of the IAAR for higher education. The IAAR qualification requirements and their responsibilities are explained to the future experts of the IAAR.