October 7, 2016 Independent agency for accreditation and rating has held a seminar-training for the experts among the teaching staff on the basis of the Eurasian National University (Astana) on October 7, 2016. There were faculty members from different regions of Kazakhstan. Lecturer - Marina Pogrebitskaya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, member of the Expert Council of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating.

During the seminar, participants were explained the principles and organization of the external evaluation of the university and educational programs, the standards of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating for institutional and specialized accreditation.

Director of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation(FIBAA, Germany), Birger Hendricks spoke at the seminar-training as well. He introduced listeners with the peculiarities of specialized accreditation in accordance with the standards FIBAA.

At the seminar, the future experts were given a practical reccommendations on the interviewingof the target groups in the accreditation and the formation of an external expert committee report.

A seminar for the furhter training was held parallelly for current experts of Independent agency for accreditation and rating. Lecturer - Marina Skiba , candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating. The foreign partners of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating - Radu Mircea Damian, Senior Expert of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and Melinda Szabo, Head of the European Quality Assurance Register Project (EQAR) were invited in order to improve the quality of expert activities. Foreign experts shared with the European practice of external quality assessment of educational activities.

As a part of the workshop, great attention was paid to the development of the recommendations of the external expert committee and the peculiarities of communication during a visit to the university.