There was the seventh General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) in Gloucester (UK) on October 20-21, 2016, where 69 organizations of accreditation and quality assurance of the 39 countries of European Higher Education Area gathered together. Director, Alina Zhumagulova and manager of international projects and public relations, Timur Kanapyanov were representatives of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating.
Development of quality assurance in the Asia-Pacific region, the digital portability of student data and digitization of higher education (challenges and opportunities for Quality Assurance) were discussed at the General Assembly. According to the program, there was a panel session, where the first experience of ENQA audit according to the new standards of ESG 2015 was discussed. Afternoon, a poster session on a good practice of ENQA members was held, where the IAAR presented a poster on the theme "ESG and WFME standards in accreditation of the medical higher education institution".
The second day program included a dispute of the following issues: done work report, planning the activities for the next year, election of new members of the Board of Directors of ENQA, discusssion the prospects of development of the organization, making a Forum and the ENQA General Assembly in 2017 and other organizational problems of the network.
Detailed information about the VII General Assembly is available on the ENQA website.