Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (hereinafter - IAAR) based on Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov on January 27, 2017 held a free workshop for vice-rectors, heads of departments responsible for the rating.
The workshop was conducted by the IAAR scientific advisor, Mrs. Rimma Seydakhmetova Ganiyevna, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, together with the Professor, member of the IAAR expert council, Mr. Kuanyshbek Shunkeev Shunkeevich, and Project Manager for the accreditation of TVE organizations, Mr. Rinat Gasimov Gaptulhanovich.
The program of the workshop included:
• system of independent assessment of the quality of higher education;
• methodology for ranking of institutions of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the subject areas and levels of training;
• discussion of options and suggestions of IAAR experts on amendments and additions to the methodology for ranking higher education institutions (HEI) of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• consultations and training on the electronic filling of the HEI ranking program in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• demonstration of the computer rankings.