The current procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of the Ministry of Education and Science is regulated by the Rules for the Recognition of accreditation bodies, accredited educational organizations and educational programs.

Upon the expiration of the validity period of the certificate of entry into the Register of Accreditation Bodies (Register 1), IAAR has forwarded an application and a necessary package of documents to confirm the status of the recognized agency.

According to the decision of the Republican Accreditation Council, Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating is included in the Register of Recognized Accreditation Bodies. The corresponding order of MES RK was issued on March 14, 2017.

The re-inclusion of IAAR in Register 1 is an indicator of the agency's sustainable development with its significant normative and methodological base, the professional composition of the expert community and the focus on promoting a quality culture.

Congratulations to our experts, colleagues and all stakeholders on such an important event! Well-being and creative success in work!