The staff of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Ranking cordially congratulate the staff, students, graduates of the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages with the 75th anniversary!
On this memorable day, the scientific consultant of the IAAR Seidakhmetova R. took part in the solemn event in honor of the 75th anniversary of KazUIRWL.
75 years ... Over these years the university has gone a long way. Since its foundation, the university has become one of the most famous and prestigious universities in the country. A huge number of professionals in the field of humanitarian and international direction have left the university for these decades. It is important that the university still carefully preserves the fidelity to the best traditions of the Kazakh higher school and multiplies them.
Today KazUIRWL is rapidly moving forward, developing an international strategic partnership, introducing innovative forms of education and progressive educational methods, opening up new horizons and opportunities for students. It is not by chance that the university's educational programs occupy the leading positions in the National rating of universities by levels and areas of training of specialists.
On this day we wish the staff creative successes, fruitful achievements, creative energy and prosperity!