The commission consisted of domestic and foreign experts, the chair of EEC was Vladimir Nikolaevich Kosov, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor of the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty). Among the foreign experts were Olga Stokolos, Ph.D., associate professor, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (RSU), AKKORK expert (RF), and Ognyan Borisov Manolov, Ph.D. ( on Cybernetics and Informatics, associate professor, European Polytechnic University (Pernik, Bulgaria), ACQUIN expert (Germany).
The purpose of the EEC visit was to evaluate the quality of educational programs in accordance with IAAR standards and criteria for program accreditation and develop recommendations for consideration of the issue of accreditation of the announced educational programs at the Accreditation council.
Quality assessment was carried out through interviewing, questioning of students and teachers. In addition, there were conversations with students and teachers of the university, graduates and employers. EEC members attended lessons on educational programs, took part in a sightseeing tour of the university, got acquainted with the bases of practices and the bases of the departments.