On May 4-5, 2017, in Oslo (Norway), VII Forum of members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held, which was organized on the basis of the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).

The Forum was attended by more than 119 representatives of ENQA member organizations. At this event IAAR was presented by Director Zhumagulova A.B. and Manager of International projects and public relations Kanapyanov Т.Е.

At the Forum, ENQA President Padraig Walsh and General Manager of NOKUT Terje Mørland made a welcoming speech.

Main topics for discussion: Development of the Bologna Process and ways forward; Global view on higher education. Search for common tools for improving the quality; Unexpected results of quality assurance.

General Assembly of ENQA also took place in the framework of the Forum. At the meeting of the General Assembly IAAR Director Zhumagulova A.B. made a report, where told about the agency's prospects as a full member of ENQA.

VII Forum of ENQA members allowed participants to consider and discuss a wide range of issues related to the state of the sphere of quality assurance in European and international space, to exchange practical experience and to outline the nearest development prospects.

More information about the Forum can be found on the official website of ENQA.