The purpose of the EEC visit was to evaluate the quality of educational programs in accordance with programme accreditation standards and criteria of IAAR and to develop recommendations for consideration of accreditation issue of the announced educational programs at the Accreditation council.

Chairman of the EEC was Bigzhkenova Aigul Ermekovna, doctor of philology, professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university (Astana). The commission included domestic and foreign experts, Michael Henry (Eric) Martisens, Director of Higher education of the Inspectorate for education of the Netherlands, ENQA expert, INQAAHE, APQN (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Sergei Goncharov, doctor of philology , professor, Herzen Russian state pedagogical university, an expert of the Rosakredagentstvo (RF).

External quality assessment was carried out through interviewing, questioning of students and teachers. In addition works with target groups, conversations were conducted with students and teachers of the university, graduates and employers. EEC members attended lessons on educational programs, took part in a sightseeing tour of the university, got acquainted with bases of practices and bases of departments.