On May 24-25, 2017 in order to train experts on the accreditation of higher education institutions Zhumagulova Alina, Ph.D. in legal sciences, Director of the IAAR; Seydakhmetova Rimma, Ph.D. in philological sciences, IAAR scientific advisor; Shunkeyev Kuanyshbek, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, member of the IAAR Expert Council, developer of the methodology of the ranking of educational programs, the first vice-rector - pro-rector for strategy and international relations of the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov; Skiba Marina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairman of the IAAR Expert Council, Advisor to the Rector of the Narhoz University visited the southern city of the Kyrgyz Republic - Osh.

At the same time, during the seminar, the candidates for experts studied the IAAR standards for institutional and specialized accreditation, and the Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

According to the program, IAAR experts conducted business games, interactive sessions and group work. Upon the seminar outcomes, the participants were awarded IAAR certificates.