
  • Vinnitsa State Pedagogical Institute named after N. Ostrovsky, majoring in "Russian language and literature" (1986)
  • Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, majoring in “Jurisprudence”, Bachelor of Law (2009)


Professional experience:

  • Director of Capital Resources Development of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken"
  • Director of the Department for the development of Technical and Vocational Education of NEPC “Atameken Union "
  • Methodologist, leading specialist, Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Training of Personnel of the Education Department of Astana city (2007-2013)
  • Head of the Department of Content and Training Methods of the Institute of Professional Development and Training of Personnel of the Educational System, Astana city (2006-2007)
  • Head of the teaching and methodical cabinet of Tselinograd Humanitarian College of Astana city  (2001-2006)
  • Professor of Russian language and literature, methodologist at Tselinograd Pedagogical School named after A. Maikutova, Methodologist (1986 - 2001)


Achievements and publications:

  • Co-developer of legal documentation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken"
  • Co-developer of a roadmap for dual training
  • Organizer of the Information and Advisory Service for regional chambers
  • Member of Republican and City Attestation Commissions, a number of city, regional commissions on social issues
  • Publications in the republican scientific-methodical journals