Full name: Sydykova Saule Ilyasovna

Address:  Almaty, Kazybek bi, 126/75

Telephone:  8(727) 383-62-05, 8-777-681-29-25

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date of Birth: September 15, 1964

Nationality: Kazakh

Family status: 2 children

Citizenship:  The Republic of Kazakhstan


university degree:


Specialty "Pediatrics", qualification - doctor

Alma-Ata State Medical Institute, Almaty


Clinical residency in Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI), specialty "Pediatric Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology", qualification - doctor of children's intensivist

Alma-Ata State Medical Institute, Almaty


The scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences has been conferred in the following specialties: 14.00.35 - Pediatric surgery, 14.00-37 - Anesthesiology and Reanimatology


November 1 - December 15, 2005

Successfully completed the extensive Fellowship program and Course for Higher Clinical Education

Sackler Faculty of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

May 7 - June 16, 2006

Successfully completed the extensive Fellowship program and Course for Higher Clinical Education, including one week of observation

Sackler Faculty of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel


Assigned academic status of associate professor


November 9 -20, 2009

Certificate Healthcare Simulation: Instructor Development program at the University of Miami Gordon Center for Research in medical Education in Miami, Florida, covering fundamental principles for conducting simulation-based education

Miami Gordon Center for Research in medical Education in Miami, Florida, США

November 19 -23, 2012

Accreditation Process for Post Graduate Medical Education Training

KPJ Healthcare University College, Malaysia

Work experience:


Senior laboratory assistant of the Pediatric Surgery Department at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI)


Assistant of the Pediatric Surgery Department at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI)


Associate Professor, of the Pediatric Surgery Department at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI)


Deputy Dean of the Pediatric Faculty at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI)


Dean of the internship at the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute (AGMI)


Head of the Department of Postgraduate Education at the Kazakh Medical University of continuous medical education (formerly Almaty State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors)


October 2016

Director of the Department for Evaluation and Monitoring of Educational Programs at the "Kazakh-Russian Medical University"

October 2016-present

Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education at the Kazakh National Medical University S.D. Asfendiyarov