
  • Kyoto University, Japan; Degree of Doctor of Science (1998-2004)
  • Kyoto University, Japan; Master of Science (1996-1998)
  • Leningrad State Agrarian University, Pushkin (1983-1987)


Professional experience:

  • Member of the Board of the Research Institute of Soil Science, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Soil Science in Belgrade, Serbia (2003 – present)
  • Researcher at the Institute of Soil Science of the National Academy of Sciences, Almaty city, Kazakhstan (1988-2000)
  • Researcher at the Agrarian Experimental Station, Taraz, Kazakhstan (1988-1991)


Social work:

  • Honorary Professor of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
  • Member of the Academic Council and Board of the Institute of Soil Science
  • Leader and performer of over 20 research projects on various aspects of the rational use of natural resources
  • Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Zemljiste i Biljka” (Soil and Plant)


Achievements and publications:

  • Winner of MONBUSHO scholarship from the Ministry of Education of Japan
  • Permanent reviewer of Soil & Tillage Research (Elsevier)
  • Language skills: English, Russian, Kazakh, Serbian - fluent; Japanese, French - basic level
  • Publications indexed of citation in Scopus, ISI/WEB of Science, GoogleScholar, and ResearchGate is about 120
  • Personal H Index - 5