On January 31, 2018 representatives of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating took part in the Round Table of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development of Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme: "On the Prospects for the Development of the Higher Education System" hosted by the Nazarbayev University. Deputies of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Nurmagambetova D.N., Bekturganov A.Y., Amanzholova Z.D., and rectors of leading universities of Astana, Almaty and regions of the republic made statements on the Draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of academic and managerial autonomy expansion of higher educational institutions". Issues of training quality, improvement of educational standards, development of the financing system, management of the complex process of transformation in higher education were discussed at the Round Table.