On 7-8 September 2013, the Independent Agency for accreditation and rating organized the seminar “Training experts for institutional and specialized accreditation of educational institutions” for training external experts in Astana. The purpose of this seminar was to update and extend expert’s base of the Agency.
There were invited representatives of higher education institutions (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, E. Buketov Karaganda State University, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakh State Teacher Training University), leading professors and specialists of scientific centers and laboratories (“Institute of Seismology”, “Institute of State History”).
Within the work of seminar there were announced and discussed general goals and provisions of the Bologna process, strategy of higher education development in Kazakhstan in the context of European system of higher education. Participants learnt about procedures of external quality assessment and requirements for the Agency experts. Also they were provided practical guidance on creation of reports on quality assessment of education organization, and analysis of an institution according to the accreditation standards.
Special attention was given to specific features of institutional and specialized accreditation; their similarities and differences.
By the end of the seminar, IAAR Expert Certificates were handed over to all participants allowing them to take part in the work of the External Expert Commission of IAAR. The validity of this Certificate is 5 years.