April 25-26, 2013 in Moscow, Russia, International workshop conference "Lessons from multidimensional ranking of Russian higher education institutions: from piloting to practice", was organized by the National Training Foundation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Jan Sadlak, IREG President, representatives of the world ratings: Ying Cheng - executive director of Center for World-Class Universities at Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), Ben Sowter, Head of QS Intelligence Unit (UK), Phil Baty, Editor of Times Higher Education, and Russian universities participated in the conference. The Independent agency for accreditation and rating was presented by Nurakhmetova A., manager of information and analytical projects.
On the plenary sessions of the conference international experts presented three global ranking systems (Shanghai University; International Ranking of QS; ratings of Times Higher Education). International Programs Director of the National Training Foundation, Larionova, M., highlighted the main provisions of multidimensional ranking of Russian higher education institutions and its results.
During the round table there were also heard presentations and discussed purposes, objectives, challenges, as well as the methodology of the national rankings of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Poland. Kazakhstan experience on the educational programs assessment of universities was presented by Seidakhmetova R., Director of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center.