From 10 to 12 December, 2012, the External Expert Commission (EEC) of Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) worked in Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Along with institutional accreditation the IAAR for the first time carried out specialized accreditation. Educational programs such as “Mathematics”, “Physics” and “Biology” were assessed by the Commission. It should be noted that earlier in Kazakhstan accreditation of educational programs by national agencies was not undertaken.
The EEC was formed from among the leading experts on the education system of Kazakhstan and Russia: the Chair – Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Prorector for academic studies and new technologies training of Akhmet Baytursunov Kostanay State University Maiyer Fyodor Fyodorovich; experts – Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Epp Vladimir (Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia), Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Dalinger Viktor (Omsk State Pedagogical University, Russia); experts from Kazakhstan – Doctor of biological sciences, professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Svetlana Nesterova (Almaty), Candidate of technical sciences, professor of the North Kazakhstan State University named after Manash Kozybayev Marina Pogrebitskaya (Petropavlovsk).
Interests of employers were represented by the Director of Pavlodar Secondary School № 9 Zavalnaya S.V. Representative of learners was a student of the Pavlodar state university named after Toraigyrov Orazbek A.S.
During the visit the EEC evaluated functioning of quality assurance system, the improvement of the educational activities of the HEI and the presented educational programs, compliance with standards and criteria of the IAAR. Experts highlighted the active introduction of information technology in management and the creation of a stable framework for the transition to electronic document circulation in the HEI. Meetings with learners, teachers, alumni and employers of the HEI were held as well. EEC members attended teaching sessions of educational programs, research library, computer rooms, language laboratories, a gymnasium, and auditorium.
The decision on accreditation of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute will be taken at the meeting of the Accreditation Council of the IAAR.