In December 25-28, 2012, in the framework of institutional accreditation the External Expert Commission (EEC) of Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) visited the Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University. The Commission was composed of domestic and foreign experts.
The Chair of EEC was Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Chemical Sciences A.A. Taltenov.
Besides, in the work of EEC following prominent foreign experts were involved: Professor of Purdue University, Ph.D. Tantatape Brahmasrene (the U.S.); Professor of Sofia Saint Kliment Ohridski University, Doctor of Science, Nako Stefanov (Bulgaria); Vice-rector of Central Bohemia University, Ph.D. Petr H?JEK (Czech Republic).
Kazakhstan's education system were represented by the following experts: Director of Center for Economic Research of Kostanay State University Koval A.P.; Head of Department of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Kirillova G.R.
Interests of employers were represented by the Head of Department in "Bank Center Credit" JSC Kassenova S. A. Representative of learners was MA student of Аcademy of RFCA of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhtiyaruly Meiram.
EEC during its work assessed quality of education, compliance of the learning process with the institutional standards of IAAR, met with professors, teachers, students, alumni and employers, explored the internal regulations, analyzed activities of the University, visited classrooms, laboratories, computer rooms, library, swimming pool, stadium, dormitory, evaluated the compliance of material base and information resources of University to standards of institutional accreditation.
By results of the carried out expertize the Commission rendered positive conclusion and made the recommendation about accreditation of the Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University for a period of five years.
The decision on accreditation of the Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University will be taken at a meeting of the Accreditation Council of the IAAR.