
  • Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute
  • Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Professional experience:

  • Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
  • Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan from North Kazakhstan region. Member of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development
  • Experience in state, party and economic bodies (Deputy Head of the party Regional Committee Department and Secretary of the Party of Petropavlovsk city Committee; Head of the Organizational Department of the Party of Sergeyevsky region Committee, First Secretary of the Sergeyevsky region Committee and secretary of the North Kazakhstan regional Committee of Komsomol)
  • Experience of scientific and pedagogical work (Director of the Petropavlovsk Economic College, director of secondary schools, history teacher)

Social work:

  • Representative of the Parliament of Kazakhstan in Russia, Japan, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Poland, the European Parliament, NATO
  • Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Member of the Bureau of the Political Council of the PDP "Nur Otan"
  • Deputy Chairman of the Association of Russian, Cossack and Slavic organizations of Kazakhstan, Chairman of Astana branch of the Association of Russian, Cossack and Slavic organizations of Kazakhstan


Achievements and publications:

  • Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Political Sciences
  • Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Engineering
  • More than 50 scientific articles and publications



  • Order “Kurmet”, international order «Commonwealth» and 4 medals